As always
Change as a constant of success.
Doing business has always and more so today, been a daunting and challenging task. The often sudden evolution of the situations forces entrepreneurs and workers to make a joint and continuous effort in an attempt to head a business through constant transformation of processes and strategies, products and activities. The winner is often who always looks to the future while never forgetting the important lessons of the past. The legacy and the innovative drive are mixed in a successful intense recipe that smells of success. A daily lesson of courage and change that befits the company history of Sir Safety System and the sector which it operates in. Change is constant in the safety equipment area, which includes work clothing, safety footwear and personal protective equipment. The updates of relevant standards and legislation and the use of new materials are aspects that are today, more than ever, combined with the need to promptly and quickly fulfil the new work requirements of the operators in the sector. First of all, safety and risk prevention, but also the use of sustainable materials and the comfort of the clothing.

We have invested in creativity and experiments for over forty years.
Design and innovation are the aspects that, ever since its foundation, have been the compass and lifeblood of the creation of new projects for Sir Safety System. The key importance of study and research and the use of new materials substantiate the guarantee that the products are created with high efficiency levels, primarily in terms of safety but with increasing attention paid to design, to guaranteeing wearability and comfort to those wearing the work clothes and safety equipment. The Sir Safety team is led by a shared commitment and an intense mission, which has the team of designers and planners at the forefront of product creation. Guided for over 40 years by continuous experiments, research and application of the most modern technologies and renewed ergonomic solutions at the service of a single noble mission: “Protect the workers in any activity and from any type of risk”.