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Would you like to receive more information?The gas detector BW Clip CO is ideal for those who perform activities in hazardous environments. Operates for up to two years without maintenance: just turn on the device and it runs continuously - no need for calibration, sensor replacement, battery replacement or battery charging. With BW Clip it is possible to put the device in hibernation mode, by placing it in an appropriate housing whennot in use for more than a week, thus it extends its life by that period of time.
It features:
- Maintenance-free: no replacement of sensors or batteries required.
- Compact, lightweight design with one-button operation.
- Designed to withstand harsh environments and extreme temperatures.
- Automated self-test of battery, sensor and electronics.
- Wide-angle flash, which alerts simultaneously with audible and vibrating alarm.
- Automatic logging of the 35 most recent gas events and bump test results.
- Water resistant
- Compatible with MicroDock II.
- Introduction of the automatic IntelliDox system which allows faster Bump Tests, reduced gas consumption, optional customisation based on operational needs.
Dimensions: 4,1 x 5,0 x 8,7 cm
Lightweight: 92 g
Humidity: 5%- 95% UR (non-condensing)
Visual, vibrating and acoustic alarm (95 dB); low/high.
Test: Activated detectors automatically performone internal diagnostic test every 24 hours.
Ingress Protection: IP 66/67
Certifications : Class I, Div. 1, Group A, B, C, D
Class I, Zone 0, Group IIC; II 1G; Ex ia IIC T4
DEMKO 14 ATEX 1356; IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4 IECEx UL 14.0063